Jumat, 21 September 2012

The terminology of Malioboro

Yogyakarta is a city with the title of Special Region. It is a Special region which is given by the government of Indonesian republic, and only two regions of the country, besides Aceh Special Region. Yogyakarta, in the governmental structure names Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, is better known as Yogyakarta. From the development of era until now, Yogyakarta has been changing in the term of terminology or the so-called name, from the word ‘Yogyakarta’ into ‘Jogja’ as its society is more familiar with the later.
Based on the history, the terminology of Malioboro has two versions about the origin of the word, first is from Sanskrit which means a bouquet of flowers. It is because in 1800s, Malioboro street became the centre of ceremony or both the state and the cultural and art celebrations.
The second version, the terminology of Malioboro is from an ancient Javanese language. The word derives from ‘maleo seko boro’ which means going home from out of the city for long time. Malioboro street, besides as art centre, it is also as the trade centre in Yogyakarta. Therefore, it can be assured, whoever, even the natives of Yogyakarta or the immigrants, if they come to Yogyakarta, they will visit Malioboro street with different purposes. They may just have a trip or trade. And of course, they need some places to stay such as a villa, inn, or hotel which lies along the Malioboro street, like Malioboro hotel.
Malioboro street, either from which terminology it comes from, it is obvious that it is one thing that makes Yogyakarta special in many ways, including Malioboro hotel.

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